1. General provisions

1. 1. These Terms are an official document of the LLC Tekhnobit (Tax ID number 6455068677, Saratov Region, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachaya Street, 79/85, bldg. 13) (hereinafter - Administration Website), and define the processing and protection of information about individuals who use the services of the website https://terracrypto.icu (hereinafter - Site) and its services (hereinafter - Users).
1.2 The purpose of these Rules is to ensure the proper protection of information about users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.3 The relations, associated with the collection, storage, distribution and protection of the information about the users of the Site, are regulated by the present Rules, other official documents of the Administration of the Site and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.4 The current edition of the Rules, which is a public document, is available to any Internet user by clicking on the link https://terracrypto.icu/en/soglash. The Website Administration has the right to change the Rules. In case of changes in the Rules, the Website Administration informs the users by posting the new edition of the Rules on the site at the permanent address https://terracrypto.icu/en/soglash not later than 10 days prior to the entry into force of the relevant changes. The previous edition of the Rules is kept in the archive of the Site Administration documents.
1.5 By registering and using the Site, the User agrees to the terms of these Rules.
1.6. If the User does not agree to the terms of these Rules, the use of the Site and its services shall be immediately terminated.

2. Terms of Use of the Site

2.1 By providing services on the use of the Website and its services (hereinafter - the Website Services), the Website Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User
Has all necessary rights enabling him/her to register and use this Site;
Provides accurate information about himself/herself in the amounts necessary to use the Site's Services;
Is aware that the information on the Site posted by the User about himself/herself may become available to other users of the Site and Internet users, may be copied and distributed by such users;
is aware that certain types of information transmitted by him/her to other Users may not be deleted by the User himself/herself;
is familiar with these Rules, agrees with them and accepts the rights and obligations specified in them.
2.2 The Website Administration shall not check the reliability of the received (collected) information about Users, except for the cases when such check is necessary for the Website Administration to perform its obligations to the User.

3. Information Processing Purposes

The Administration has been processing the Users' information, including their personal data, for the purpose of meeting the Administration's obligations to the Users regarding the use of the Site and its services.

4. Composition of User Information

4.1 Personal data of Users
Personal data of Users includes:
4.1.1. provided by Users and minimally necessary for registration on the Site: name, last name, cell phone number and/or e-mail address;
4.2 Other information about Users, processed by the Website Administration.
The Website Administration may also process other information about Users, which includes:
4.2.1. additional data received when accessing the Site, which includes data on technical means (devices), technological interaction with the Site (including the IP address of the host, type of the User's operating system, browser type, geographic location, Internet service provider, data from the address book, data received as a result of access to the camera, microphone, etc. devices), and subsequent actions of the User on the Site. The information containing the history of the User's visit to the Website is available to the User in the "Settings / Security" section;
4.2.2. information automatically received when the User accesses the Site using bookmarks (cookies);

5. Processing of information about users

5.1 Processing of personal data shall be based on the principles of:
a) the legitimacy of the purposes and methods of personal data processing;
b) good faith;
c) compliance of the purposes of personal data processing with the purposes, predetermined and declared at collection of personal data, as well as with the powers of the Website Administration;
d) compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of personal data processing with the personal data processing purposes;
e) inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data, created for incompatible purposes.
5.1.1 Terms and objectives of personal data processing
The Website Administration shall process the User's personal data for the purposes of execution of the agreement between the Website Administration and the User for the provision of the Website Services. By virtue of Article 6 of the Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 #152-FZ "On Personal Data", a separate consent of a user to process his/her personal data is not required. By virtue of paragraphs. By virtue of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 22 of the Act, the Administration of the Site is entitled to process personal data without notice to the authorized agency for the protection of human subjects of personal data.
5.1.2 Collection of personal data
Personal data of the User is collected on the Site during registration, as well as when the user inputs additional information about himself/herself at his/her own initiative through the Site tools, or in the process of communication with a representative of the Site.
Personal data stipulated by clause. 4.1.1 of these Rules shall be provided by the User and shall be minimally necessary for registration.
5.1.3 Retention and use of personal data
Personal data on users is stored only on electronic media and processed through automated systems, except when non-automated processing of personal data is required in connection with the execution of legislative requirements.
5.1.4 Transfer of personal data
Personal data of Users shall not be disclosed to any third parties, except as expressly provided by this Policy.
If the user specifies or with the user's consent, the user's personal data may be disclosed to the Administration's third party counterparties, provided that such counterparties undertake to ensure the confidentiality of information received.
Users' personal data shall be provided upon request of public authorities (local self-government bodies) in the manner prescribed by the legislation.
In order to perform the agreement between the User and the Website Administration, the Website Administration shall develop the services and products, develop and introduce new services and products, optimize the quality of services and products, and improve the available functionality of the Website and services. In order to ensure realization of the stated purposes the User agrees to the collection, storage, accumulation, systematization, extraction, comparison, use, filling (refining) of their data by the Site Administration in compliance with applicable legislation, as well as to obtain and transfer to affiliated persons and partners the results of such data automated processing, using various information evaluation models, in the form of integer and/or text values and identifiers, corresponding to those specified in the evaluation requests, and to transfer them to the User.

6. User rights and obligations

6.1 Users shall be entitled to:
6.1.1. receive information from the Website Administration regarding the processing of their personal data upon request.

7. Measures to Protect Users' Information

7.1. The Website Administration has taken technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unauthorized actions.

8. Applications from Users

8.1 Users shall have the right to send to the Website Administration their requests, including requests regarding the use of their personal data, stipulated in p. 6.1.6 of these Rules, in writing at the address: Saratov Region, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya Street, 79/85, flat 13, or in electronic form, signed by the qualified electronic signature in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, at the e-mail: team@terracrypto.icu
8.2 The request sent by the User must contain the following information number of the main document certifying the identity of the User or its representative;
information on the date of issue of the said document and the body that issued it;
the signature of the User or its representative.
8.3 The Website Administration undertakes to consider and respond to the User's request within 30 days after receipt of the request.
8.4 All the correspondence, received by the Site Administration from Users (requests in written or electronic form), is related to the information of limited access and is not disclosed without a written permission of the User. Personal data and other information about the User, who sent a request, may not be used without the User's express consent, except to respond to the subject of the received request or in cases expressly provided by law.

LLC Technobit
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 6455068677
Business address: Saratov Region, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya street, 79/85, flat 13
Acc. at PJSC Bank "FC OTCRITIE", Moscow 40702810114500004585
Corr. acc. 30101810845250000999
RCBIC 044525999
User Agreement
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