This document "Public offer of TerraCrypto event agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") is an offer of LLC Tekhnobit (Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 6455068677, Saratov Region, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachaya Street, bldg. 79/85, sq. 13) (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), to conclude a contract for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as "Contract") on the following conditions with any person who accepts this proposal (hereinafter referred to as "Customer"). The Contractor and the Customer are hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Parties".
1. The procedure of concluding the Agreement

1.1 The offer shall be considered to be accepted by the Customer and the Agreement shall be concluded by the Parties from the moment of the following actions in total: a) Customer registration on the website in information and telecommunication network "Internet", located at (hereinafter - the "Conference Website") with indication of his identifying information. b) Customer payment for services rendered according to the Agreement.
1.2 According to item 3 of article 434 and item 3 of article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the Agreement shall be considered to be in written form if a person who has received an offer, within the period determined for its acceptance, takes actions to fulfill the terms of the Agreement indicated in the offer including actions about the payment for the Provider's services. The Agreement shall be considered concluded from the moment of payment by the Customer for services to be provided by the Contractor under this Agreement.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1 Contractor agrees to provide services (hereinafter - "Services") to ensure the participation of the Customer and/or its designees in the TerraCrypto Forum (hereinafter - "Forum"), and Customer agrees to pay for these services on the terms provided by the Agreement.
2.2 Date of the Forum: September 16, 2021.
2.3 Program of the Forum is posted on the Contractor's website at: and may be changed at the discretion of the Contractor.

3. The cost of services and settlement procedure

3.1 The price of participation in the Forum of one (1) person is from 2,400 to 14,200 rubles, depending on the category of the ticket. When registering on the Forum Website, the Customer shall specify the number of the participants to be sent by him/her for participation in the Forum. The cost of the Services under the Agreement shall be determined by multiplying the cost of participation in the Forum of one (1) person indicated in this paragraph by the number of participants indicated by the Customer when registering on the Forum Website.
3.2 The Customer undertakes to pay for the Services on conditions of a 100% advance payment not later than three (3) calendar days after issuing the invoice.
3.3 Payment for Services is made by way of money transfer to the Contractor's settlement account specified in Clause 5 or in case the Customer is a natural person, payment for Services is allowed by means of the System of electronic ticket sale (site of this system -
3.4 The certificate of the rendered services shall be delivered to the Customer through his representative participating in the Forum. The Customer undertakes to accept the rendered services and sign this act on the day of receipt or provide the Contractor a written refusal to sign it with indication of reasons within the same period of time. In case of non-receipt of the signed act or written objections in due time, the Services are considered to be accepted by the Customer in full without any comments.

4 Parties Obligations

4.1 The Contractor undertakes:
4.1.1 Provide participation of the Customer and (or) specified by his persons in the Forum.
4.1.2 Provide the Customer's representatives with organization kit, Forum materials set, coffee-breaks in case they are provided by the Forum ticket category.
4.1.3 To notify the Customer about the changes in the dates of the Forum and to provide services taking into account the changed dates.
4.2 The Customer undertakes:
4.2.1 Accept the services rendered.
4.2.2 Pay the remuneration to the Contractor in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Agreement. 5.

5. Order of termination of the Agreement

5.1 The Customer has a right to withdraw from the Agreement at any time by sending a written notice to the Contractor at the address specified in Clause 5 of the Offer or by sending an e-mail to
5.2 In case of the Customer's withdrawal from the Agreement, the Parties have agreed on the following procedure of refund of the paid services cost:
5.2.1 In case of refusal more than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the date of the Forum, the Contractor returns to the Customer paid money back in full, minus the commissions of credit organizations which can be withheld by the Contractor during the money refund transaction.
5.2.2 In case of refusal less than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the date of the Forum, the funds paid by the Customer shall not be refundable and shall be considered as paid in compensation of expenses of the Contractor incurred in order to organize the Forum.

6. Final provisions

6.1 The Agreement comes into force from the moment of the offer acceptance by the Customer and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.
6.2 The Agreement may be terminated in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.3 In case of non-performance or improper performance of their obligations the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.4 The parties shall take measures to resolve all disputes and disagreements arising from the Contract or in connection with its performance, in the pre-trial claim procedure. Compliance with this pre-trial claim procedure is mandatory. The term of consideration of the claim is established in 60 (Sixty) calendar days from the date of its receipt by the Party.
6.5 If it is impossible to resolve disputes and disagreements through negotiations, such disputes and disagreements shall be considered in court in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
6.6. By concluding the Agreement, the Customer freely, willingly and in his own interest, gives an indefinite written consent to the use of any personal data specified therein or provided separately in connection with the conclusion and/or performance of the Agreement, including indications on the Contractor's website, which is a publicly accessible source of personal data, as well as other ways of processing such personal data, including any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation means. The above consent is provided by the Customer to the Contractor in order to process personal data to ensure the participation of the Customer and (or) designated by them in the Forum. If the Customer provides personal data of third parties, the Customer shall be obliged to obtain written permission for their use and transfer to the Contractor. The Customer assures the Contractor that the personal data of third parties will not be transferred to the Contractor in the absence of written consent of these third parties. The Contractor shall rely on the validity of this assurance. In case this assurance is not true, the Client shall compensate the Contractor for any losses incurred, including but not limited to fines imposed on the Contractor.
6.7.The Customer and the participants of the Forum sent by him are prohibited to make audio, video and photo shooting without a written permission of the Contractor.
6.8 All notices and other documents under the Agreement should be sent to the addresses specified in this Offer. Notices and other documents in writing should be sent by registered mail or courier service with confirmation of delivery, other messages can be sent or emailed from/to the email addresses specified in this Offer.
6.9. The current version of the Offer is available on the Internet at

LLC Technobit
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 6455068677
Business address: Saratov Region, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya street, 79/85, flat 13
Acc. at PJSC Bank "FC OTCRITIE", Moscow 40702810114500004585
Corr. acc. 30101810845250000999
RCBIC 044525999

Offer Agreement
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